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Syrilth's Tables - Printable Version

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Syrilth's Tables - Syrilth - 12-05-2020

Aliquam finibus iaculis nisi, id egestas nisi sagittis ut. Pellentesque aliquet nec nibh nec molestie. Sed eu viverra felis. Nullam condimentum porttitor mollis. In ornare erat tempus nulla egestas, vel mattis ipsum porta. Fusce dui leo, tincidunt ac magna eget, porttitor bibendum magna. Donec mattis erat vitae velit accumsan gravida. Nam dictum urna et dui imperdiet, id tristique felis elementum. "I'm speaking so listen up."  Sed eget sapien vel odio ornare porttitor. Suspendisse in euismod quam. Proin ullamcorper dui vitae pulvinar tristique. Ut molestie a magna at dapibus.

In sagittis, nunc sit amet feugiat auctor, tortor orci fermentum nibh, in placerat urna mauris eget tortor. Etiam laoreet elit vitae eros fringilla eu pulvinar metus porttitor. Etiam nisi ligula, ultricies sed molestie id, scelerisque quis eros. Pellentesque sed sem sed eros imperdiet feugiat et ac ante. Aenean fermentum, lectus sed molestie accumsan, augue nibh luctus tellus, placerat accumsan sem ante quis purus. Praesent non neque vitae est aliquam vulputat

Vitae at est. Nunc euismod ultrices viverra. Praesent laoreet laoreet nulla, nec tempor arcu tempus sit amet. Sed in mi ligula, a tincidunt leo. Aenean sem orci, malesuada at scelerisque in, iaculis a ligula. Donec urna dolor, elementum in egestas eleifend, dapibus ac justo. Nunc at risus euismod purus feugiat rhoncus. Mauris varius risus et orci porta eget tempus nulla posuere.  Donec bibendum fermentum posuere. Phasellus veli.

In pellentesque tempus tortor in ultricies. Aenean aliquam enim eu finibus consectetur. Praesent et dolor elementum, hendrerit diam ac, suscipit massa. Vivamus pretium, nisi at commodo sodales, mauris lectus lacinia neque, eget consectetur purus turpis at libero. Maecenas ornare vel neque et ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam ligula velit, vehicula feugiat venenatis quis, aliquet eu tellus. Vivamus sapien est, dictum id metus sed, molestie sagittis dolor.

Vitae at est. Nunc euismod ultrices viverra. Praesent laoreet laoreet nulla, nec tempor arcu tempus sit amet. Sed in mi ligula, a tincidunt leo. Aenean sem orci, malesuada at scelerisque in, iaculis a ligula. Donec urna dolor, elementum in egestas eleifend, dapibus ac justo. Nunc at risus euismod purus feugiat rhoncus. Mauris varius risus et orci porta eget tempus nulla posuere.  Donec bibendum fermentum posuere. Phasellus veli.

Table © Camy | Art © DestrierDesigns

It had been a long time since she came here and every time she did, she didn't like it.  It just looked...too gray.  Too ashy.  Much as she was a dragon, this place was not fun to be around.  Not to say she came here for fun, but because the smell of the fire was still strong in the air.   Magic, always magic.  It forced those to go with others unless another ruler came along.  It was why she hardly came to it, she prefered those who came to the Red Wastes but, Tantibus and others were from here.

She just had to find the right equines who wanted to live in a rough yet tough environment.  Everyone had their back, thanks to her rulership.  

Her ears picked up the voices nearby and she froze to listen.  One was familiar and the other wasn't.  The younger filly with the curious wolf companion made Syrilth curious on how she was doing.  She walked towards them, one of the branches crumbling to ash finally onto the ground from the brush of her wings.  Her ears swiveled before being forward again.  There was still some magic that made her irritated.

Sure enough, she was right.  The little filly and her wolf along with a stranger she didn't know who was colored like the northern lights.  The very lights that she saw while out exploring few years ago during her time away from Elysium.

"Hey."  It was all she said at the beginning for now.  Her greetings were still rough around the edges but she felt it was best. "How'd you two get here?" she asked the filly and mare as she walked over closer to them.

She could lead them out and could let them decide where to go.  But first, introductions.  Even if it was clumsy from her.

Table © Camy | Manip © L0AMIE